Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Catching Up...Two Posts Again!

Mark and I were so fortunate this past weekend to sneak away to the Central Oregon Coast. It was a chance to get to the coast this summer while our weather is so nice! Of course, any time we go to the beach, I am in hog heaven...doesn't matter the weather...I am a beach girl at heart. It's just that it is a real treat to go in the summer while we have sunshine and blue skies. It is even more of a treat when your trip centers around a friend, Bobbi Kirk, of Beading at the Beach, who is a featured artist and showing her beadwork at the Newport Visual Arts Center. This past Saturday evening was the Artist Reception from 5:30-7:00 p.m. To say I have been anxious for this evening and was excited... is an understatement!

Bobbi has worked so many hours on completing all her pieces to be shown, let alone all the 'behind the scene' hours that are involved to have your work shown in a gallery. And, the minute we walked in...all her hard work just surrounded you in their beauty...literally! The turnout was absolutely wonderful! Bobbi looked beautiful, was smiling from ear to ear and, as always, as gracious as they come! Believe me when I say...she is so sweet and the salt of the earth!!! Her beadwork is so amazing and stunning...she is, no doubt, one of the best of the best!!! Her work is so moving, such a deep reflection of herself and her heart and very organic. She uses a lot of natural elements and plenty of vintage beads and nailheads! I was in heaven being there and in awe looking and admiring each piece. And while I was enjoying each detail of every piece, my husband kindly whispered that I was holding up the line of people!!! I certainly didn't realize that I was, but I was so enchanted by it all. You know, it is something to see others work on the internet and in books, etc., but to really see it in person is such a thrill! We decided to go downstairs and enjoy the watercolor paintings in the gallery and then come back upstairs to walk through one more time! It was such a treat to go but the time flew by...way too fast! I couldn't say any one piece was my favorite because I loved them all! It was a fabulous show and she should feel so PROUD!!!

We also enjoyed seeing Jackie Niemi's work too! She is showing her work with Bobbi. She is a collage and book artist and her work was wonderful! She uses tiny intricate pieces and interesting natural things in her collages like opossum bones, tiny vials of soil/rock, etc. And, her books were very cool! We had the pleasure to see Chuck again, Bobbi's husband, and also had the opportunity to meet Bobbi and Chuck's son, Jaime, who is such a handsome man and does he ever look like mom! His eyes just twinkle and he has a great smile!

I am honored to say that Bobbi has become a dear friend to me. We have stayed in touch through e-mail since we met and are getting to know one another more and more through our conversations. I feel very fortunate to have met her! Her beautiful art and her heart and soul are such an inspiration to me and I know to many others!!! She is a treasured friend and her talents are HUGE!!!

If there is any chance that you can see the show before the end of August, do yourself a favor and go! You won't be disappointed!!! And if you can't make it, visit Bobbi's blog for the latest pictures of the gallery and showing.

A work of art which does not begin in emotion is not art. ~Paul Cezanne~

We also stopped in Taft on the Siletz Bay and took a walk on the beach. While we were walking this harbor seal kept bobbing his head up and down and watching us...while we were watching him/her! Then we noticed that there were more of them swimming around in the water. Then as we looked across the bay on the opposite shore we saw some seals get out of the water and a few get back in. I asked Mark if those were all seals over there and he said's driftwood. I said no...those are seals! He way! I said...I think they are!!! He's driftwood and there wouldn't be a hundred of them! I said...I think they are seals and there are about 300 of them! I told him to run back to the van and get our binoculars and camera!!! When he got back he wouldn't share the binoculars for awhile because he couldn't believe it!!! I said...let me see!!! Finally he gave them to me and I said...see I told you it wasn't driftwood!!! There are at least 300 seals over there! He told me there wasn't 300 over there! I told him to start counting...even by 20's!!! And, guess what the answer was? He wouldn't bring himself to say the final answer was 280 or so!!! Oh, we had good laughs over this for awhile! ;-)

I just wish I would have set my camera to take a panorama picture! But instead I zoomed in and here is one shot of what may look like driftwood from back across the bay but is actually lots of seals taking a snooze! Now envision about four or five of these pictures lined up together!!! It was quite the sight and they were amazing to watch!

What is blooming in the garden~

1) Tickseed and Salvia Cerro Potosi Sage...
Hummers and butterflies love the salvia!
2) Salvia Cerro Potosi Sage
3) Red Crocrosmia
4) Red Lilies
5) Purple Coneflowers

Post Continued Below


KV said...

Such an awesome post, Lisa! And I am so envious that you were able to see Bobbi's show in person. Your photos are wonderful . . .

Kathy V in NM

Cathie said...

Hey there girl! So glad I came to visit you this evening - cafe' latte in hand -- what a delicious combination.

Your pictures are so beautiful Lisa. Your excitement for life and art certainly exude through the lense of your camera. I love looking at your wonderful adventures.

I wanted to say also that I saw your donation for the runner up prize over at Monica's blog. WOW those are absolutely lovely scissor fobs -- and the Gingher scissors too -- what a cool idea -- and, very generous. Not sure what I'm making yet -- but you've inspired me.

Have a wonderful rest of the week.

beadbabe49 said...

What can I say but thank you, thank you, thank you!
Having you and mark come over for the opening made me feel incredibly special and I'm so glad you liked the work...your friendship is a very bright spot in a rather foggy summer, lol...and I'm sending you a great big hug to you both.
I'm still a bit tired so won't write much, but I do love the beautiful scissor fobs you made for the breast cancer raffle....several gals are going to be very happy to receive them!