Friday, May 2, 2008

Starry Starry Night...

I wanted to share this with everyone and have it permanently in my blog. I have always loved Vincent Van Gogh's work and I love this song! I have never added a video, so there's a first time for everything!

This came about because Maggie from Magpies Collectables shared her latest BJP (bead journal page) which was Starry Starry Night...a tribute to Vincent! She did a beautiful job depicting his painting! She said that she was only 60% happy with her piece. She should be 100%!!! If you haven't seen it, do go visit and check it out! You will enjoy her blog and her art work!!! She is a very talented lady and does beautiful work!!! As usual, feeling intimidated, I didn't leave a comment. I have a terrible habit about this, that I'm working hard on getting over. Anyway, I could not get that song out of my mind all day!!! I know all the words and it used to be a favorite of mine when I was young but, for the life of me, I couldn't remember who sang it. So I finally 'Googled' it and found out it was Don McLean. But even greater...was the first thing to come up was this YouTube video of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings set to Don McLean singing Starry Starry Night. Wow!!! It is beautiful and very moving!!! His work is beautiful!!! Anyway, I left Maggie a post and told her she should 'Google' it and that she would probably enjoy it.

Then I remembered that Cathie from Clevelandgirlie was working on a beautiful piece depicting Vincent Van Gogh's painted irises. So, I posted a comment and told her that I thought she would enjoy it and her daughter, Sabrina, might like it too! Her daughter is very talented herself and definitely takes after her mother!!! If you haven't seen her painted and stitched iris piece, do yourself a favor, and go visit! It is stunning and she does beautiful textile work!!! You will enjoy her blog as much as her art work!!! Then when I was making rounds visiting she has a wonderful post about Vincent Van Gogh and his life and some great thoughts and she also put the YouTube video up. Well, I couldn't stand it and had to figure out how to do this too! I can't tell friends to just 'Google' it all the time! I could be a little more polite and figure out how to do it myself! ;-) Hey, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be either! Ah,...I think I just realized how to get that 'Click It' everyday button on my blog!?! LOL!!! I tried once and gave up.

I hope you'll enjoy this video and hope you'll visit Maggie and Cathie's'll be glad you did! We are getting ready to take a trip next week and I am hoping to post this weekend before we go! Hope you have a great weekend!!! ;-))

For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. ~Vincent Van Gogh~


Cathie said...

Thank you so much Lisa for pointing this out to us. We loved it -- posted it - and sent it on to Sabrina's art teacher to enjoy. It really is sooooo very beautiful and I watch it every day.

Thank you again.
I'm off now to see Magpie's version. I've recently checked out a few books on Vincent -- what a tragic, yet wonderful life he lived. Perhaps we should figure out a swap with this theme. What do you think??

Cathie said...

Hi again Lisa - I am going to put a little note and a link to your blog from mine, if it's ok. I love your photographs and your ramblings are delightful. Let me know, ok?

beadbabe49 said...

loved the song and the paintings...and good job on imbedding it in your blog!

girlgonethreadwild said...

Starry eyed here! This is my bro-in-law's favorite artist and piece. I know he'll certainly enjoy the youtube vid as well.. I'll pass it along. :)

Finally! am getting along here with my PC. What a loss it is to NOT have blogs to visit during the day... but, it appears all is smooth here now. -whew-

Good times!

xo, Monica :):):)

Pursuing Art... said...

Thank you for stopping by friends! I just thought this video was so moving! What a talented man he was!!! ;-)